My Daughters Anxiety & A Miraculous Healing


The first time it happened, I thought it was just an upset stomach. The next time, I assumed it was a separation issue, since daddy had just left for a business trip. But more than a year later, there was no pattern to follow. The anxiety attacks came without warning. With most “small problems”, it had soon became one that we could no longer ignore. My daughter’s “healing from anxiety” is what I wrote at the very top of my “goals for 2018” list.
It started as natural fears, which became attacks of anxious thoughts and sleepless nights. My daughter’s worries overwhelmed her mind. Then they chased after us. Watching her body and mind so tormented was agonizing, and I found myself wanting a solution— a fix that is difficult when dealing with the mind versus a physical illness. And recently it was disturbing our home and family life.
We prayed, oiled, and filled our home with worship. We researched & read everything that offered hope, but found ourselves overwhelmed by the darkness and despair of her anxiety. Things seemed to be getting worse, instead of better.
And then one afternoon she happened to be with my husband while he was at work. The event was a conference dedicated to the healing. Our local church community is an example of what happens when people believe that God still does miracles today. The constant testimonies from people in our city and around the world are powerful, and our faith cannot help but grow.
During this event, there were hundreds of people who received healing, which my daughter observed from the back of the room. After some time, my husband asked if she wanted to receive prayer (not an odd concept for her, even at 7 years-old). Surprisingly, her answer was, “no.” So he waited.
A little while later, he asked her again, and, after several requests, she agreed to let him walk her to the front of the room. A woman, unaware of our week, placed her hands on my daughter’s shoulders and prayed simple, but powerful words. There was no conversation, no interview about what her request might be, nothing weird that happened. A minute later it was over. They thanked the woman and came home.
There was nothing dramatic that took place. No lightning bolts or thunder. My daughter didn’t mention feeling any different. But the next morning she slept until 7 am. And then the following, the same. And the next day, again. For weeks she has slept, without interruption, nightmare, or the physical symptoms that accompany an anxiety attack.
I believe that my daughter was miraculously healed.
Over the next several days we talked about how this is now part of her testimony. We assured her that she is not the only kid who has endured this. We told her that one day she’ll meet someone else who suffers just like she did. But now, she’ll be able to say, “come with me, I know the way out of this dark hole called anxiety… His name is Jesus.” And because He has set her free, she’ll be able to give hope to someone else. She will be able to pray for them in faith because “if He did it for me, He can do it for you.”
Seven years old, and already she has an incredible testimony. A story worth sharing, not because of anything she did, or how awesome she is (even though she is), but a story to be shouted from the rooftops because the hero is Jesus.
Who knows, maybe these paragraphs are what you need today. Perhaps your struggle isn’t with anxiety, but it’s with something else just as overwhelming or devastating, and the only thing that you haven’t tried— is prayer. Friend, can I pray for you? I would love nothing more than to join my faith to yours and believe God to do a miraculous work in your life.
Maybe this story sounds familiar because you too struggle with the darkness I described at the beginning. Anxiety has had power over you for longer than you want to admit, and you want to see the light. It would be my honor to stand with you in faith and believe for your healing. Please, drop me a note so that I can pray specifically for you.
I am so grateful that healing is not something that we read about, but the reality we live in. I hope you can know it too.