Countdown to the New Year: Finishing Well
There are 60 days left in this year. Just less than two months.
In the year. In this decade.
Let that sink in.
Rather than waiting until December 31st to share some words of encouragement regarding the New Year, I thought I'd talk about the remainder of this one. Because anyone set big goals in the weeks hovering around January 1st, but how we end the year is just as important as how we start it, perhaps even more so. Instead of inspiring you at the beginning of your race—right before the gun goes off, I’d like to walk alongside you as you finish these last few miles of your marathon, cheering like a lunatic, and reminding you that you can do it.
How you finish is just as important as how you begin.
Perhaps even more so. Because it shows what we are really made of. Not what we can do when we are pumped up and surrounded by crowds of people who are going in the same direction. But who we are when we are running alone—when we are exhausted, poured out, and ready for a glimpse of the finish line.
How you Finish is just as important as how you begin
The toughest steps when I ran a half-marathon, were those right before the final mile. I was spent. I had stopped to walk after a sip of water, and my legs felt like cement. But, I was also tired of the monotony of one-foot-in-front-of-the-other. The scenery was getting old—I was tired of looking at the backside of other runners and the pavement beneath my shoes.
And just as I was telling myself that I needed a pick-me-up, out the corner of my eye, I caught the most glorious sight: my family. My husband and two daughters were headed toward the finish line to greet me, and happened to be in a long line of traffic waiting to enter the parking area. I broke free from the procession of spandex and sprinted toward the van. It was a quick exchange of kisses and loud cheers, and instantly my spirit was renewed.
Sometimes, before we round the corner into the final lap, we need a van on cheerleaders to descend on us, reminding us that the end is close, that we are capable of finishing, and that it's a race—so finish well.
So how are you going into your final mile?
Did you come out of the gate with excitement and energy enough for you and someone else, but slowly you've lost steam? Is there something that you need to get back to, get excited about, or get on with?
Was your goal to move more? Then, don't waste time lamenting over the past few months, but get outside for some fresh air and a walk.
Did you plan to get your finances in order, or repair a relationship? There's still time to take action.
Take the risk. Face your fear. Get back on track. Finish well.
You have only so many days left to do something in this year. In this decade.
Maybe it won't be that giant goal you started with at the beginning of the year. And it doesn't have to be. In fact, it could be really simple.
Go to that first counseling session. Finish the book on your nightstand. Go away for a night with your spouse. Finalize your business plan. Invite your neighbor to dinner. It can be as easy as watching your water intake, going to bed earlier, or writing in a gratitude journal before bed.
What are you going to do in these final weeks and months of the year? How are you going to spend these last moments of this decade? How will you feel about how you finished?