Advent Prayers for Mom's

This post first appeared here

To all the mom’s with endless lists of things to buy, cook, and clean; with requests for more hours in the day, more dollars in the bank account, and less ugly sweater parties to attend; whether you’ve just surfaced from a season of difficulty, of feel that you’ll never be free from the place that you’re in now; regardless of the circumstances or emotions that fill your days, as you enter this advent season, may you find strength in these simple prayers:

1. Father, help me to cherish this season.

Not just endure it, or wish it away. In the midst of family functions, social gatherings, and white elephant gift exchanges, may I find joy and truly celebrate the opportunity to be with so many of those I love. Even when we end up on top of the extended relatives at grandma’s house, or when hosting means unending laundry, grocery shopping, and food prep, help me to be grateful as I know there are so many who cannot be with their family and friends. Regardless of how many wish lists my children hand me, or costumes I find myself sewing into the wee hours of the night, no matter if I can find that last “perfect” gift, or how few workouts I am actually able to fit into the schedule, may I be caught up in the story of Christmas — the beauty and magic, the music and celebrations, the rituals and routines that make up this season. Help me to say yes to fun activities, not out of obligation, but to create memories with my children. May I be the mom who includes them in the preparations, not because it’s easy, but because I’m choosing to be with them. May our Advent be more than crossing days off a calendar, and more celebrating a season of joy, merriment, and generosity.

2. Father, help me to exude the word generosity.

I want my children to recognize it in our daily living, not just when we create time in the calendar to serve those less fortunate, or when I pull out my checkbook for a local charity. Help me to model for them what it means to have a heart full of gratitude, one that is postured to serve and love others. May they begin to notice how fortunate they are— what privileges they have, and be moved to pray for others, and give to those who go without. Whether locally or abroad, may they see the needs around them and choose to act as You would. May this Christmas season be marked not by what we “get,” but by what we give. Whether we are baking cookies for a neighbor, delivering toys to a family less fortunate, or sending a gift to someone halfway around the world, may this Christmas be a time for us to grow our faith and put the needs of others over our own wants and desires.
To continue reading, please head over to for the entire article.